Dreamer Scholarship
The Dreamer Scholarship, administered through the Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives, is available to students who cannot meet immediate, essential expenses due to hardship or emergency situations. Our goal is to provide flexible assistance in a timely manner to help students continue their studies at the University of Michigan.
OAMI will review all requests for funds but may be unable to accommodate all requests. The scholarship is distributed through the Office of Financial Aid. Therefore, the student must have enough room in their financial aid package to receive the scholarship funds. In cases where funding cannot be disbursed, OAMI staff will work with students to identify other available resources and/or alternative solutions to their needs.
Qualifying Expenses for the Scholarship
Examples of expenses for which funds could be available include (but are not limited to):
- Food insecurity
- Tuition and other university fees
- Books associated with university courses
- Conference registration/travel associated with area of study
- Technology used for educational purposes
- Legal fees and court costs
- Rent (normally one month) and/or utility bills due to unexpected financial hardship
- Travel expenses to return home due to a family or other emergency Emergency medical treatment/medication when the student has no ability to pay and the costs cannot be covered by insurance
- Emergency temporary lodging for students who find themselves homeless or unsafe in their current dwelling
- Personal belongings lost in a fire, flood, or other disaster impacting a student’s home
- Therapy or counseling sessions
Supporting Documentation
Our scholarship is administered through the Office of Financial Aid (OFA). Eligibility for funding is determined in consultation with the OFA. As such, OFA requires documentation for certain expenses in order to approve funds or increase a student’s Cost of Attendance for many of the needs students are facing. Supporting documentation (receipts) is needed for the following expenses:
- Travel (i.e. plane or train ticket, gas receipts)
- Technology (i.e. laptop, chargers)
- Medical Expenses (i.e. procedure, medication)
Eligibility Requirements
This scholarship is intended to support undocumented students or students with DACA status. Undergraduate and graduate students attending UM Ann Arbor are welcome to apply. Students must be currently enrolled at the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor.
The time to approve applications varies on a case-by-case basis. If all information and documentation are present, the process may take less time, but if more information or documentation is needed, it may take longer. Scholarship applications are reviewed by the OAMI Undocu Initiative Committee.
How do I apply?
- Follow the link below to complete the Dreamer Scholarship application.
- Once you are on our application page, click the “Programs” button on the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
- Scroll down until you OAMI Dreamer Scholarship Application and click the “More” button.
- Once you have clicked “More” you should see a button that says “Apply”.
- Click “Apply” and complete the associated application.
- Once the form is complete, finalize your application by clicking the “Submit” button.
You can also contact Hector Galvan at the Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives by phone (734-936-1055), or email ([email protected]) if you have any questions pertaining to the scholarship.
Review Process
- Applications will open on November 11 and close on December 6
- Scholarship Applications will be reviewed once during the Fall semester and once during the Winter semester.
- The first round of applications will be reviewed in November, and the second round will be reviewed in February.
- You may receive communication from us, particularly if we need to clarify any items in your application or your financial aid package.
How will scholarship funds be distributed?
Do you have questions?
If you have further questions about the Dreamer Scholarship, the application process, or your unique situation, please contact Hector Galvan via email at [email protected] or by phone at 734-936-1055.