Family Member
As a family member or other supporter of a University of Michigan student, you play a critical role throughout your student’s educational journey. OAMI strives to support your student as well. OAMI supports and celebrates students’ unique experiences, backgrounds, communities, and identities through its core programs and campus-wide events.

Your student will find support through OAMI by connecting to one or more of OAMI’s core programs

Your student can become an active planning committee member for OAMI’s campus-wide events – all open to family members!

Check out some of the many resources for family members at the University of Michigan
We welcome your student to the OAMI family
Your student will find support through OAMI by connecting to one, or more, of OAMI’s core programs, including:
First-Generation Student Gateway – for students who are the first in their family to attend a 4-year college
SuccessConnects – for any student looking for holistic coaching during their U-M education
M-CLIC – for any student looking to engage and foster a stronger sense of community and support for men of color at the University of Michigan.
Undocumented Student Support – for any undocumented students
Pipeline Programs – support for students who participated in CEO Outreach programs, Wolverine Pathways, or the university’s Summer Bridge Scholars Program.
M-Connect – for community college transfer students

Your student can help build community
Encourage your student to join the planning committees for OAMI’s campus-wide events! These signature events are open to the community, and family members are encouraged to attend.
Get your college questions answered
Whether your wolverine is your first student to attend college or your last, we know that as a family member, you need support too. The university provides numerous resources to help you, including: