The Detroit Promise SEEDS Program (Scholars Succeeding in Education with Excellence for Detroit Success) Program is an intensive one-week program that explores trends and innovation in education, housing, and transportation in the greater Detroit area and how these areas impact Detroit and the State of Michigan as a future place for work and residence for young, professional talent.
The program is intended to instruct the Detroit Promise Scholars on the economic, political, and social aspects of state and local public policy. The goal is to teach students how to think critically and to explore:
- How resources can be used to impact change
- How to be leading learners
- How to work in teams
- How to be critical thinkers and
- How to be self-advocates for their education
Designed to foster fact-based critical thinking on the most important issues impacting the growth of the City of Detroit and the State of Michigan, students will have a unique chance to interact directly with the faculty at the University of Michigan and practitioners from the city of Detroit. Session topics are selected because of their immediate relevance to today's and tomorrow's challenges to growing Detroit and the State of Michigan. Participants will collaborate through class discussions and study groups that encourage diverse perspectives.

Since 2013, the University of Michigan Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives (OAMI) has served as the receptor for the Detroit Promise Scholars, sponsored by the Detroit Regional Chamber, providing structured programming for academic success, holistic well-being, and professional development. At present, there are 255 Detroit Promise scholars enrolled at U-M- Ann Arbor.
The State of Michigan, the Detroit Promise, and the Michigan colleges and universities all share a mission to prepare students to be future educators, lawyers, artists, doctors, entrepreneurs, and community leaders. We also share a hope that most of these students will retain their residence and talents in Michigan following graduation.
This program was developed to allow OAMI to engage Michigan Detroit Promise students in the recommendation presented by the Growing Michigan Together Council (GMTC) to retain young talent in the State of Michigan.
As citizens of Detroit and the State of Michigan, the Detroit Promise scholars are well positioned to provide a unique lens through which to garner feedback as to how their futures will be impacted by the successful implementations of the policies as recommended by the GMTC. Through this summer program, OAMI will invite Detroit Promise Fall entering freshmen to participate in a one-week lab-based program that will focus on the policy recommendations presented by GMTC with a particular focus on the City of Detroit.
Eligibility and Capacity
The Detroit Promise SEEDS program is open to first year entering Detroit Promise Scholars. Camp enrollment is limited to 24 scholars.
Research Presentations
The SEEDS program culminated in group presentations highlighting the scholars' research and proposals to address Detroit's most challenging issues:
- Education - Financial Literacy
- Housing - Sustainable Neighborhoods
- Transportation - Equity of Motion
Key Dates
August 2, 2024
Pre-camp Orientation and Tour of Detroit (UM Detroit Center)
August 18-23, 2024
One-Week Camp (UM Ann Arbor)
Priority Enrollment Deadline
July 12, 2024